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Commentaire de GeorgeW

sur "Diviser pour mieux régner" le plan de réforme des régions est un attrape-nigaud (Russia Today)

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GeorgeW GeorgeW 9 juillet 2014 16:07

Hi Hi, this is George W. speaking from Greater America !


Yahoooo, Obama surpassed all my expectations !!!!!! I’m no more the worst president of Greater America, only second !!!!!!! Obama just had the balls to withdraw troops from Irak !


I wanted to share this great news with the french rebellion $$ LOL $$ LOL $$ LOL



I remember I had dinner with the very first guy interviewed maybe 10 years ago, one of the rare of the french delegation to speak good english. He’s a good guy and he gave me some good advices. What is he doing now ? He miss me. $$


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