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Commentaire de njama

sur La Grippe : se vacciner ou pas ?

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njama 20 octobre 2017 16:53

Les liens entre l’ESWI et les compagnies pharmaceutiques, s’ils ne sont pas connus du grand public en €urope, ne sont pas secrets, suffit de lire leur site :

RESSOURCE http://eswi.org/home/about-eswi/resources/

To finance its activities and plans, ESWI draws upon several resources :

 Public funding (EU grants)
 Organization of ESWI Influenza Conferences (every three years)
 Unrestricted grants by flu vaccine and antivirals companies
 Separate project support
 Organization of ESWI Influenza Conferences (every three years)
 Unrestricted grants by flu vaccine and antivirals companies
 Separate project support

ESWI has legally formalized independence : its -articles of incorporation are approved and respected by all parties. They stipulate :

Article 20 The financial contributors will regularly be informed about ESWI’s plans and ongoing projects. Financial contributors shall have no voting rights and, therefore, no binding decisions can be made at their meetings.

  The pharmaceutical companies supporting ESWI include :

 Hofmann-La Roche
 Sanofi Pasteur

Manufacturers of influenza vaccines join forces in Vaccines Europe in order to promote a favourable climate for expanded vaccine protection and improved vaccine coverage in Europe. Manufacturers of influenza vaccines are assembled in the Influenza Vaccine Supply international task force to assist business leaders in ensuring adequate flu vaccine production capacity in the event of a pandemic, and to provide advice to health authorities regarding vaccination recommendations and delivery strategies.

No exclusive rights to sponsorship exist. ESWI is pleased to discuss sponsorship opportunities with any organisation (commercial, non-profit, educational) interested in supporting and facilitating its long-term objectives. Potential sponsors are invited to contact the ESWI management : info@eswi.org

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