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Commentaire de yoananda2

sur H1N1/COVID-19 : Quand l'histoire se répète - Terrorisme sanitaire, Conflits d'intérêts, Projet vaccinal

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yoananda2 7 mai 2020 23:36

je viens de lire un article intéressant sur ZH :

The primary target, in my view, is the US dollar’s world reserve status along with the US economy. With the pandemic speeding up the process of nations going cashless, it is a no-brainer that the digital monetary world will end the dollar’s long time roll as world reserve. Add to this the huge crash in oil demand and oil prices to which the dollar derives much of its power, as well as the fact that the Fed has printed another $6 trillion which has barely stalled the market collapse and has not solved any of the underlying deflationary problems.

Je trouve que ça fait sens. Je me suis toujours demandé comment ils allaient faire pour dézinguer le dollar et introduire leur monnaie mondiale. Ben le covid pourrait aider en effet. Je n’avais pas fait le rapprochement.

As the crisis events and distractions continue to build, on both sides of the Pacific Ocean the elites are currently implementing a technocratic tyranny of epic proportions. The common people on both sides end up suffering, and unless they are stopped soon, the elites will end up the only winners.

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