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Commentaire de GeorgeW

sur Les infos dont on parle peu n°68 (5 juillet 2014)

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GeorgeW GeorgeW 6 juillet 2014 18:01

Hi Hi, this is George W. speaking from Greater America !
I’m still alive Lisa-Lisa Zion-Zion !!!!!!!! An eye for an eye is a cool method to get things done.
If you’re a zionist, Lisa-Lisa Zion-Zion, let me remind you that theTalmud interprets the verses referring to "an eye for an eye" and similar expressions as mandating monetary compensation in tort cases and argues against the interpretations by Sadducees that the Bible verses refer to physical retaliation in kind, using the argument that such an interpretation would be inapplicable to blind or eyeless offenders. Since the Torah requires that penalties be universally applicable, the phrase cannot be interpreted in this manner.

The Oral Law explains, based upon the biblical verses, that the Bible mandates a sophisticated five-part monetary form of compensation, consisting of payment for "Damages, Pain, Medical Expenses, Incapacitation, and Mental Anguish" — which underlies many modern legal codes. Some rabbinic literature explains, moreover, that the expression, "An eye for an eye, etc." suggests that the perpetrator deserves to lose his own eye, but that biblical law treats him leniently.

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