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Commentaire de GeorgeW

sur Dessin à main levée en timelapse : Marcello Barenghi, un illustrateur hyper-réaliste de génie

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GeorgeW GeorgeW 7 juillet 2014 22:05

Hi Hi, this is George W. speaking from Greater America !
Hi BlueMan, I thought you guy was in new zealand http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/9655915/Man-lives-on-in-the-red-zone
so I asked my team to traceroute your packets and it appears you’re not a skippy boy, not even located in france but in... canada !!!!!!!!!! If you’re looking for good $$$$ money $$$$, just cross the border, I need a french speaking partner. I’ll introduce you to my dream team, they’ve got cool stuff to educate the french rebellion.


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